An Artistic Monologue

Right-brained, right-winger at work.... Creativity. Yeah, that's my thing.

I work in any medium I can get my hands on: Keyboard (writing), Paper (from drawing & painting, to Origami), yarn (crocheting), camera (photography), computer (digital art, rendering, etc). Yeah, right brained...most definitely.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fractal Flames

In the simplest terms, fractal images are a geometric patterns composed of the same or nearly the same pattern (a triangle made of smaller triangles). Flames are a "class" of fractals with certain specific characteristics, specifically the use of color and shading and the way the pattern is repeated. To create fractal flames, however, you don't need to be a mathematician, but understanding them helps to appreciate them. These Flames were all created using a free-ware program, Apophosis, that I have been using for years. It never ceases to amaze me when I take the time to look at some of these images.

A Considered Iteration

This Ain't Your Ocean's Coral
(click on an image to see it at full size and take a second to look at the detail)

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