An Artistic Monologue

Right-brained, right-winger at work.... Creativity. Yeah, that's my thing.

I work in any medium I can get my hands on: Keyboard (writing), Paper (from drawing & painting, to Origami), yarn (crocheting), camera (photography), computer (digital art, rendering, etc). Yeah, right brained...most definitely.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 9

May as well get this out there. Day 9 uses black tiles and a white charcoal pencil.

No thanks. Doesn't look good to me, I don't want to invest in the materials.

Moving on....

Friday, August 22, 2014

Zentangle Day 8

Okay.  Finally got back around to this.  So much for my zen state of mind.

Anyway, It was enjoyable today, after spending the day at work, to come home and sit down and focus on this.

Incidentally, this is also the first Zentangle on my homemade Zentangle tiles.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Zentangle Day 7

I've been doodling in my sketchbook for a couple days now, but haven't produced a Zentangle because I was less impressed by the exercise for the day and more with one if the specific examples (which I've been practicing and playing with).

Eventually I elected to skip doing a Zentangle for the day and went on to the next day, which incidentally brought the intro section to a close. Section Two began by saying to take from the exploration (likening the learning of Zentangle to an exploratory journey) "what appeals and works for you". I could not have asked for a better validation for skipping the Zentangle in the previous page (I admit that because of my Type A Personality, I was feeling slightly guilty for not doing that days exercise).

And THAT, dear blog reader, is why there's no image for today. End of story, good bye, the end.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Zentangle Day 6

I most definitely enjoy this.  My work is probably not on par with "the pros" but that is not what this is all about; this stuff is all about the zen of it, relaxing and being calm.

Planning to stick with the program (no untention of trying to do one of these every day, most definitely, but sticking to the program nonetheless).  It seems at this point, it's just a process of learning new and different tangle themes.

I've glanced at the stuff for Day 7 and have been doodling with one of the tangles I think looks pretty cool.  Day 7 is essentially about taking existing tangle concepts and ideas and modifying them.  Some interesting (and impressive looking) stuff, but don't know if my pen and paper artistic talent is up to snuff.

Veremos (we'll see).

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Zentangle Day 4

I finally got around to purchasing some Micron pens for my Zentangles. Definitely a sharper lines. Also picked up some art pencils to shade with.  There's definitely a difference in the way they feel when I'm creating them, if not a change in the images themselves.

no Zentangle Tuesday

It was "post-nothing" Tuesday, yesterday.  Alright, so I never got around to doing the day's Zentangle yesterday.  Details: every day as a list of new things to practice with before you sit down to do that day's Zentangle.  I got started on a couple (typically there are three) of the new design techinques/ideas, but never got around to the last one and by the time I could have gotten to it, I was too exhausted to make the effort.  I've given up on forcing myself to do it every day, as that seems to defeat the zen purpose of the zentangle if I'm stressed out trying to do it.

Anyhoo, I'm back in my sketchpad today working and getting more familiar with the pattern designs.  I'll get to my Zentangle at some point today and post it when it's done.

Meanwhile, I found this really cool site with Zentangle patterns.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Zentangle Day 2

Yeah, day 2.  Zentangle.  learning a few more techniques. Not sure what else to say about this. Peeking ahead at future days in the book, each day's techniques and ideas build on the previous as well as adding new "tangles" to learn and fine-tune (and perfect).

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Zentangle Day 1

I picked up Becka Krahula's Zentangle book yesterday after many weeks (month?) of consideration.

This is my first attempt at a Zentangle, done in my notebook as I don't (yet) have any official Zentangle tiles.

For the uninformed, the writing at the top is an abbreviation of the eleven step Zentable process as outlined in the book.